Monday, November 2, 2009

11 Weeks

Hooray for 11 weeks! Two more weeks and I'll be in the 2T!! I'm so excited!

My belly feels harder this week. I am heavy but it doesn't feel like a jelly roll or jiggle that much anymore, hehe! So thats cool. I still can't really feel my uterus even though I know thats why my belly is hard to the touch...I can't really distinguish it from the rest of my gut I guess. A few more weeks and it should be pretty obvious.

My craving for the last week has been hot chocolate. Like at least every morning and sometimes later that day in the evening. I still haven't been sick but eating doesn't sound fun at all and nothing sounds good except potatoes, cheese and hot chocolate. Ugh, I hope I can enjoy food again. I grateful I'm not vomiting though so I'll take nothing tastes good over that.

I got vaccinated for the H1N1 flu on Saturday. I seriously struggled with this decision since August even before I found out I was PG, because I figured there would be a good chance I would be PG this winter. I'm not anti-vax, I just have enough healthy skepticism to think really hard before doing things. Anyway, I'm glad I did it now especially given the population I work with who are generally in poor health, immuno-suppressed and dont care much about their own health, let alone mine.

I have my appointment on Thursday with a family doctor and then from there will get my referral to an OB. I'll get bloodwork started and possibly my 13 week scan scheduled as well. I'm excited and just happy to be getting seen by somebody. I can't wait to see the LO and I'm sure it will make this all so very real for my DH.

My hair seems abnormally dry and frizzy looking lately. I'm switching shampoos and getting a haircut tomorrow to see if that helps at all. I'm also getting a little bit of acne but nothing major.

I'll be really glad when I'm out the 1T because the fatigue is getting annoying. I have zero motivation to clean, go grocery shopping or do anything productive except sit in front of tv or sleep. Hopefully my energy will come back very soon!

Will post an update after my Thursday appointment.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for the doctor's appointment! I know you will be so relieved when you can finally see the OB.
