Friday, July 13, 2012

Trying Again

I know...terrible blogger.  Two months and nary an update. 

I'm not even going to really apologize for that...I'm busy.  I work with people that have high needs and therefore my days are high stress.  I have a 2 year old.  Nuff said. ;)

That said, the summer is flying by and I cant believe its the middle of JULY...hello.  Lots of weekends at the cottage, swimming and soaking up the sun.  The weekends have been good to me.  I sleep better at the cottage, I get my fill of vitamin D and I feel a lot of energy until about Wednesday whereby my tank empties out and I'm counting the hours until the next weekend.

I am back on the fitness train and getting frustrated.  I recently had a whackadoo of bloodwork which confirmed that I'm not fat because of a bad thyroid, diabetes or other some such nonsense.  Nope...just fat because I dont exercise.  Cooool.

With that comes the struggle to not engage in negative self-talk...trying the crazy notion I try to get my clients to do.  If negative self-talk hasn't worked, why not try positive self-praise?

So with that, I am trying hard to shed this obsession with the bigger picture of losing 75 lbs and just try for today to do better.  The difficulty with this is the obsession may end with me but doesnt end with the gaggle of women I work with where weight is an almost daily topic at lunch. 

Also, we are trying for #2.  Much to my dismay, we did not get lucky the first cycle again like we did with our first born.  I say lucky because thats what it was...sheer luck.  Thats ok, just more fun ahead to try.  I also dont get super crazy about TTCing (other than peeing on cheap sticks..who knew that could be so fun!?) and just go with the flow. 

Trying for number 2 has been much as the same as trying for baby number 1.  The similar anxieties and excitement.  I'm craving a baby belly with all the wonderful kicks and squirms like mad.  I had a great pregnancy with Maxim so I'm hoping for much of the same this go around.  We already have carpet purchased for the remodel we will have to do to our 3rd bedroom in preparation for the newest addition.  I have an idea of how I want to decorate.  And seriously dreaming of a little sister for my boy. 

Other than that, I'm trying to find new ways to de-stress.  Including more exercise, meditation and reading time.  I'm hoping that these things start to pay off in dividends for myself, my energy and for my family too. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Great site! I'm trying to find an email address to contact you on to ask if you would please consider adding a link to my website. I'd really appreciate if you could email me back.

    Thanks and have a great day!
