Monday, July 20, 2009

In the Beginning....

To start fresh, I've started this blog. Call me Ruby.

Half to Whole...I'm not entirely certain what it means to me yet but perhaps the topics I intend to write about will make it more clear for myself and others.

First its a blog about me, my dear husband and our life. Also in part about my life as a wife, daughter, counselor and many other things. I'm hoping that by writing it will help me improve all of these areas in my life.

Second I hope to log my journey into a better "whole" me. So in part, I'll be writing about fitness and nutrition in hopes that it will assist me in getting to a healthier lifestyle. I've felt like "half" myself for a few years now.

Third, I suppose I will write at length about my future which will mostly revolve around babies and becoming a mother. Its pretty much the driving force in my life right now.

Finally, I hope that this "half to whole" business will help me resolve some other issues about spirituality as well as self-improvement overall.

Guess its pretty far-reaching blog eh?

I tend to write as if I'm thinking aloud which lends itself to some level of unpredictability.

Let's get rollin...

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