Monday, March 29, 2010

32 Weeks

Officially 8 months today. Not much longer now!

At my last checkup I weighed in with 5 total lbs gained, and BP good to go. Some protein in my urine which has apparently been there the whole time but the OB sent me for a more accurate urine test anyway. No other signs of Pre-E so it could be my kidneys are working harder but will have to keep my eye out for it.

Tons and tons of baby jabs and kicks. The OB said the babe's head was down and he/she is hanging out on the left side which made sense because I was feeling more pelvic pressure on that side. I haven't felt any Brax.ton Hic.ks contractions at all.

The nursery is finished, and we're so happy with it. DH is very proud of his hard work and rightfully so, he did an amazing job. We also got our stroller and car seat from the in-laws so now we have to figure those out.

I dreamed that the baby was born a big black ugly beetle with tons of little legs and no eyes!! Aacck! I was so upset and balling my head off during the dream. Definitely the weirdest PG dream..the rest have been sex dreams or dreams of birth.

Here are some pics!!

Me at 32 weeks
View from the door

Change table/dresser
Bookshelf waiting for more books and toys. A blue rocker will be to the left of the shelf.

Quilt rack. The top blanket was made for this baby by my grandmother. The rest were made for me when I was a baby 27 years ago by my great-aunt, grandma and great-grandma. The two yellow blankets were my crib set made by my grandma. The very bottom one was made by my great-grandma and I intend to have our newborn pics taken with that particular blanket.

Monday, March 15, 2010

30 Weeks

Only 10 weeks to go! Can we say, holy shit, where does the time go?

I'm very busy at work and while full of energy during the day, I totally crash at night. Sleeping is becoming increasingly more challenging but there are still nights when I sleep very well and on the nights its not so grand, I still fall asleep quickly after the many pee breaks and turnovers.

I'm also very hungry many times of the day. Baby B is growing like crazy in there from all the food I'm sure. A return to the digestive issues of the first trimester has been unfortunate though....I'm sure its the babe pushing on my intestines but there is no threat of hemorrhoids or constipation here, ack!

I'm officially waddling too and the pelvic pressure is on. Baby is still moving a lot as I feel kicks on all sides.

DH finally felt the baby move and said for sure he knew it was the baby. Before he couldnt really figure out if it was my breathing or was quite magical for him. He has been so wonderful through this whole experience, I cannot wait to see him with our new little one.

We're slowing finishing the room. The major renos are done, now its a matter of getting furniture in there and getting the artwork on the walls and things set up. I cannot believe all the baby clothes we already have and honestly, I've only purchased about 5 items myself!! A friend of mine gave me a bunch of her things her son recently grew out of and its mostly sleepers and onsies. Perfect! I also one sling, my pump, nursing covers and pads, some toys that were mind and some books including books from my own childhood. Also clipping coupons for diapers and wipes...we bought a box of a two different brands and will of course have to give a test drive to see which we like better before doing a major stock-up.

My health is still good. At my last check-up, my total weight gain was 3 lbs, blood pressure was good, fundal height was right on and I passed the gestational diabetes test. I see the OB in 2 weeks for the first time. We also have attended some pre-natal classes, had our hospital tour and info session and all my paperwork for admission is finished. February and March have been insanely busy and its not going to let up anytime soon!

Here is my 30 week belly pic! Growing and moving everyday!!