At my last checkup I weighed in with 5 total lbs gained, and BP good to go. Some protein in my urine which has apparently been there the whole time but the OB sent me for a more accurate urine test anyway. No other signs of Pre-E so it could be my kidneys are working harder but will have to keep my eye out for it.
Tons and tons of baby jabs and kicks. The OB said the babe's head was down and he/she is hanging out on the left side which made sense because I was feeling more pelvic pressure on that side. I haven't felt any Brax.ton Hic.ks contractions at all.
The nursery is finished, and we're so happy with it. DH is very proud of his hard work and rightfully so, he did an amazing job. We also got our stroller and car seat from the in-laws so now we have to figure those out.
I dreamed that the baby was born a big black ugly beetle with tons of little legs and no eyes!! Aacck! I was so upset and balling my head off during the dream. Definitely the weirdest PG dream..the rest have been sex dreams or dreams of birth.
Here are some pics!!
Me at 32 weeks

Change table/dresser

You look beautiful and the nursery looks great. Congrats on entering the home stretch!