Monday, May 3, 2010

37 Weeks

Its been awhile but I've been super busy too!

37 Weeks today = a full term baby! Woot! Thus far I've gained 16 lbs...had a huge 9 lb gain after 35 weeks and then it tapered off is putting on weight now! In not good news, my blood pressure has become a concern in the last 2 weeks so I've left work 1 week early to stay home so they can monitor it more closely with a home care nurse stopping in. I'm praying it will normalize so they dont have to induce me. Nightmare scenario is that I see my doc and he's like "Labor and Delivery right now. Go now, do not pass go, not collect $200 or your hospital bag" Aaaack! If you're gonna induce me, give me a day or two to get ready. Of course, I'll do whatever it takes to have a healthy baby and healthy me....but its still a bit nerve-wracking to think about it.

Our bags are packed, carseat base is in the car, baby gear is set-up and nursery is ready. House is relatively clean and the one big room I needed to clean is much much better thanks to a Saturday of determination and a helpful DH. Still have some things I would like to get organized but I'll live if it doesn't happen.

We had our baby shower a few weeks ago and had a ton of fun. We had a co-ed party with about 50 people and it was wonderful. We got tons of beautiful gifts and felt a lot of love for our little one and support for us that day. My DH had fun too and people were happy he was included. I think he should be included in all of it...I may be the one carrying our baby but both of us are becoming parents and everything is happening to both of us.

A swirl of thoughts at being full term and in my expected birth month have been going around. Wondering if we're ready, what will change, cherishing every moment with my DH. It can be overwhelming. And with all the pre-planning one does before TTC and even through the pregnancy, the enormity of parenthood and this new life entering ours really has not been so real until these last weeks. Even then, we're still in the dark. And thats ok. Scary at times, thrilling at other times...but we'll be ok.

A few annoyances in the last weeks, mostly the very public aspect of pregnancy has really started for me now:

People commenting on my bump...

1) oh wow you really got big (this is true and I lurrrvve my bump but can be annoying from certain people, others its ok)

2) oh oh its dropped (no it hasnt but thanks for playing...her legs are still firmly up my rib cage and I feel zero pressure on my hoo-ha),

3) you must be getting excited (yes yes we are),

4)enjoy these last days before parenthood, you'll never get them back (honestly, what do you think I'm doing? And it makes me weepy to think of never being just 2 again so stop it)

5) sleep when you can now (sleep is not as easy as it seem to have forgotten when you were carrying a LO and had chronic hip pain, and it took 10 minutes and all of the air in your lungs to turn over every hour)

6) ready to have that baby yet? (only if I can reach in and pull it out with my bare hands....oh my god, this started at 8 months...seriously people, I have a ways to go yet.)

7) you arent complaining yet? (no I am enjoying my pregnancy and still have a ways to go...and for the record, I only complain about stupid comments like that!!)

8) you're waddling (yes I am...because my back hurts and its stiff as a board...its not an attractive walk I know and you're making me adjust in an uncomfortable way just so you wont comment on it!)

LOL....there should be a book written of things to NOT say to a pregnant woman. People just dont make a bit of sense.

DH and I are going to attempt a photo shoot tonight in the nursery. We have a timer on the worked a few weeks back so hopefully we'll get some nice pics tonight.

The countdown is on!!!


  1. Yay for being full term! I hope you won't have to be induced.

    It's unbelievable what people say to pregnant women! Sounds like you're dealing with it fairly well though.

  2. Oh, my gosh, you are so close. Boo to the blood pressure worry and boo to stupid comments from idiots who think they mean well -- but a big WOO HOO to you and your husband. Lots of luck and hugs.
