Sunday, March 13, 2011

10 Months

Sweet baby is 10 months!! This month seemed to fly by, and not just because it was a short month. I really cant believe its the middle of March already.

This month, Boobins (one of his many nicknames, lol) :

Is self feeding more and more. He loves broccoli, yogurt, applesauce, crackers, buttered toast, cheese sandwiches, chicken, pasta and a whole lot of other stuff. He also LOVES cheese and now he knows the association between the plastic opening on the cheese sticks and knowing its gooey goodness. Its hilarious when DH goes to the fridge to get one and comes back opening it...Maxim immediately starts whining, reaching and grunting for it. So funny!

Still content with sitting and we are starting to practice standing. He doesnt pull himself up either which seems a bit late but we're keeping an eye out. Its honestly super nice to not have a super mobile baby but I hope he starts to move more soon or I'll get worried about his development. He loves to swim and he can blow bubbles now which is hilarious.

He's a teething machine but nothing popped through this month. Will probably have a few more show up this month though.

He's a little guy at around 16 lbs but we're hoping and thinking he'll hit a growth spurt soon. Mostly hoping because the doc is getting concerned about it which seems a bit premature at this point considering that my DH is lean and tall and was a skinny kid. So we'll see how it goes. A bonus with this is that he can wear his clothes for a long time which has always been the case since birth. He's now into 12 month sizes.

He is jabbering up a storm and is constantly making noise when he's awake. Its so funny to hear him talk. The other really cute thing is he is "kissing" me on the cheek now. I say "baby kisses" and tap my cheek and he'll lean in for an open mouth slobber fest. I give him Maman kisses and he gives me baby kisses. Its so cool that he's really starting to understand. The not cool thing he is doing is biting and grinding his teeth. The teeth grinding is like nails on a chalk board and makes my stomach turn. He mostly bites my clothes but tonight he bit my shoulder which hurt. He doesnt bite when nursing which is really good.

I guess thats about it...things are swimming along. I cant believe I'm entertaining thoughts of his 1st birthday!! Its coming up quick!!

1 comment:

  1. New Reader - OMG your son is just the cutest! Boys are the best! :)
