Friday, December 4, 2009

Good Vibrations

I picking up good vibrations...

Right now it feels like I'm being tickled....

Last night it felt like a vibration or buzzing...

The day before it felt like little tiny pokes....

However it feels...

It is the coolest sensation ever.

I can feel our baby and it is awesome.

I've been trying to figure it out for awhile now. I felt little pokes early on at around 12 weeks but didn't really think I could feel the baby that soon. It was never frequent either and not every day. But now I know it was definitely baby because the sensation is stronger and more frequent.

I've been pressing on my belly when it happens and it continues to happen after I lift my hand. Yesterday after shopping, it was happening a lot, like my tummy was rolling over and over. Last night I was laying in bed on my right side and I felt the vibrations. So I pressed and it kept happening, like a response. On the opposite side, my intestines were bubbly which confirmed that a moving baby is a totally different sensation.

So far week 15 has been my favorite week!