Monday, October 26, 2009

10 Weeks

I broke down and bought a new pair of pants tonight. My old ones still fit but there is a small hole in the seam on my hip and I dont know how to sew (how lame is that?!) they are looking pretty beat up too.

I feel pretty good, just super tired. Seems like the fatigue is worse the last few days. I can no longer sleep on my back, it just gets too sore. I bought a body pillow tonight to help ease the back pain.

I miss sex. DH and I haven't had any nookie since our anniversary trip and we're both a little edgy because of it. Its mostly due to my fatigue really, not for lack of desire. Sex is actually better since getting PG so I miss it a lot.

Still a lot of problems with getting care. I had a serious meltdown today and cried for an hour. Sobbing, ugly body-wracking crying...I had to take a nap to calm myself down. To put a long story short, MW hasnt returned my phone calls so I'm trying to get another MW or doctor. And the process to get a doctor involves me going to a walk-in clinic (to expose myself to really sick people when I'm perfectly healthy...makes no sense) to simply get a referral and one of the OB's I called today (before I found out I need a referral) said they weren't taking anybody until Nobody gets pregnant in this town so you dont fit any new pregnant women into your practice?! How the hell do Canadian women get adequate pre-natal care?!?! Or am I just super-duper lucky special case (note dripping sarcasm) and this is a nightmare I'll get out of soon?!?! That was really the last straw for me emotionally and I just friggin lost it. Ugh this sucks. I just want to know that me and my baby will have good pre-natal care and its getting to the point where I need to have SOMETHING, anything scheduled so I can get it started. I don't care if its not for another 2-3 weeks...I need SOMETHING on my calendar saying I can get in to see someone for blood work, paperwork, see my baby or hear the heartbeat. I think I'm going to cry again...

And my friend from work just called and said her nephew has H1n1 and that she has been exposed. The agency is making her go to work since she isn't symptomatic yet but it puts ME at risk because we run a therapy group together. The management doesnt know yet that I'm PG because I still dont have my contract (they'r dragging their feet for some stupid unknown reason) so I can't tell work that I'm PG...ugh...AND with the whole MW fiasco...if I had gotten in to see her before TODAY, I would have been able to get my vaccine TODAY when they started rolling them out for PG women. Ugh, ugh ugh!

Needless to say this last week has not been a good one for me and this week isn't looking much better. I'm grateful that everything appears to be going ok for spotting, cramping or anything so I hope that is a good sign.

Prayers for a better week and hopefully I dont get sick.


  1. Dee from WTT:

    Don't give up - you will find someone to help you. Do you have a GP? Better to make your appt with the GP bc they can find you someone who will take you :) Plus, you won't be exposed to a bunch of sick people. While you are visiting you can explain the H1N1 situation and ask for an anti-viral prescription (to be taken in the event you develop any symptoms - this will greatly increase your chances of not getting really, really sick).

    Also, your GP can do the initial blood work and transfer to your OB/MW. If you don't currently have a GP (general practioner), find one in your area taking new patients and make an appt :)

    Good luck!!!

  2. Oh! And also, if you are really worried about working with your coworker, you can gargle with salt water 3x/day and rinse your nostrils with saline. Influenza has to incubate in your nose/throat so you can kill it before it starts. Just remember to wash your hands a lot and not touch your face (it can get in through the eyes if you rub your eyes).

  3. Thanks Ella and Dee!

    Dee, I dont have a GP so I had to go the walk-in tonight. It sucked but I got the help I need and the doctor on call was super super nice to me.

    I think I'm on the right track girls!!

  4. Ugh - that's awful, Ruby. I can't believe the system is giving you such a runaround, and WTF to the midwife??? She is not making her profession look good. if she doesn't have time for you, she needs to tell you that. I hope you can find another one soon. Hang in there.
